Our Little Bebe #2

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Sunday, March 25, 2012

I would like something to eat

Today is one of those days that I had a stocked pantry and fridge with EVERYTHING in it and a personal chef to make me anything that might sound good. Oh and that chef can make dinner the rest of the week too. That would be great. At this point I just wish something in my house sounded good to eat.

Friday, March 23, 2012

My Sick Little Monkey

(He was so sick, he passed out on my chest. That hasn't happened since he was a newborn.)
Let me be honest, this week has sucked. Maddux came down sick on Sunday and is still waging the battle. During sacrament meeting on Sunday he was not a happy camper (I had no idea at the time that he was running a fever. I am a horrible mom.) and Cesar took him out into the hall until the end of the meeting. I myself had been feeling nauseous the entire meeting, so we went home for Maddux and I to nap. When Maddux woke up, I realized his skin was so hot it felt like it was burning mine. I didn't take his temperature because all of our thermometers take at least a minute to read, so I gave him some Tylenol and called it good. To say the least he didn't sleep at all and neither did we. So Monday morning, I went to Walgreen's and purchased a fancy $50 thermometer. Took that boys temperature when we got home... 103.6! And his skin felt cooler than yesterday. I about died. We went to the doctor and they gave us some antibiotics but to be honest I don't think it's doing much for him. So for now we are just taking it as it comes. I came down with whatever he has on Wednesday... yippee a fever, runny nose and morning sickness!

Friday, March 16, 2012

The News

Our little monkey is going to be a big brother in October!