Our Little Bebe #2

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 4th of July!

Happy 4th of July! What a wonderful day to reflect on all that we have been blessed with for living in this country. I am so grateful that we our able to worship our Heavenly Father freely. As Cesar and I sat in front of the Idaho Falls Temple to watch the fireworks that celebrate our freedom I was overwhelmed with the feeling of how much our Father in Heaven loves us and has a plan for us.
I am also so grateful for all of those who have served and those who are serving our country. I am grateful for Dallas and Trevor Abrams who will be leaving to serve in Iraq this coming September. I am humbled by their sacrifice to leave their families to serve. I want them both to know that their families will be blessed and both Cesar and I will watch over them. We love you both. Please return home safely!

During the afternoon on Saturday, Cesar and I had the opportunity to go to a family party for his cousins daughters 1st birthday. It was a fun to see his family and to eat yummy Mexican food!
After the party I asked Cesar to take me on a tour of Shelley where he spent a lot of his growing up years. He took me by his old house and the houses of his friends. My favorite part of the tour was when he took me to his High School. In the back near the football field, was a shed that he helped design and build in High School.

There is even a little graffiti on the building, marking his spot in history.

Now I am a bad wife and didn't take pictures of the other buildings he helped design. Hopefully I will redeem myself and get pictures the next time we are in Shelley, but if you ever happen to be in Shelley and go to the North Bingham County park you will see the barn and the store he helped design. I was very impressed!